Thursday 25 October 2007

Report of JISGE-ASSPUK Meeting


The Juche Idea Study Group of England and the Association For the Study of
Songun Politics convened a meeting to celebrate the 62nd anniversary of
the foundation of the Workers Party of Korea and the 10th anniversary of
the election of the great leader comrade Kim Jong Il as general secretary
of the WPK.

The meeting was held in the Conway Hall central London at 2pm on
Saturday 6th October.

Comrade Dermot Hudson spoke about the 10th anniversary of the election
of the great leader comrade Kim Jong Il he said

Kim Jong Il held up higher the banner of Songun to handle the situation in the 1990s and directed primary efforts to building the WPK into the party in which the army and people constitute a harmonious whole. To this end, he saw to it that the soldiers were thoroughly armed with the idea of the WPK and played the vanguard role in carrying out the Party’s line and policies. He established the noble and indomitable ideological and spiritual traits displayed by the KPA soldiers in the grim struggle to defend socialism with the revolutionary spirit of soldier and generalized it through out the Party first of all.
He also paid deep attention to cementing the army-people unity. The army-people unity of Korea was created during the anti-Japanese armed struggle (early 1930s-1945), developed and enriched in an all-round way through the Fatherland Liberation War (the Korean War from 1950 to 1953) to repulse the US aggression. And it was carried on in the whole course of confrontation with the imperialist forces. The tradition of army-people unity has reached a higher stage of its development thanks to Kim Jong Il. He regarded the army-people unity as a fundamental task in strengthening the driving force of the revolution, consolidating the roots of society and the mass foundation of the WPK, instead of as a mere interrelationship between the army and the people. Therefore, he put forward a new idea on the army-people unity. According to his new suggestion, the army-people unity is, in essence, the oneness in ideology and fighting spirit based on the revolutionary spirit of soldier. The in-depth development and materialization of the idea of the army-people unity made it possible for the DPRK to realize the great unity whereby the army and the people share the same destiny for the single purpose. As this unity serves as the mass foundation of the WPK, it is, for sure, the only party in the world to have such a strong mass foundation.
The single-hearted unity between the army and the people centering on the party is the guarantee of the WPK’s invincibility. Supported by the unity, the WPK has been victorious in the battle for socialist defense for the decade and brought about a miraculous reality of building a great, prosperous and powerful nation.
The Workers’ Party of Korea will remain invincible as long as it is led by General Secretary Kim Jong Il.

Comrade Shaun Pickford secretary of the JISGE presented a paper on "The
great leader comrade Kim Il Sung and the anti US anti imperialist struggle"
Comrade Pickford explained that the great leader comrade Kim Il Sung was
the giant of Asian and world communism.He said that on the 1st anniversary
of immortal internationalist Major Ernesto Che Guevara the great leader
wrote an essay "The Great Anti-Imperialist Revolutionary Cause Of The Asian, African And Latin American Peoples Is Invincible".The speaker explained that
in fact Ernesto Che Guevara had close tied with the DPRK.The DPRK
and Cuba established diplomatic relations in August 1960 and Che Guevara
visited the DPRK in 1960 meeting the great leader comrade Kim Il Sung.
Major Ernesto Che Guevara said the DPRK was the best socialist country and
the one he most admired.
comrade Pickford also pointed out that some of the ideas of Che Guevara
outlined in his work "Man and Socialism in Cuba" such as the stress on
ideology were developed in full by the Juche idea of the great leader
comrade Kim Il Sung.
In the work "The Great Anti-Imperialist Revolutionary Cause Of The Asian, African And Latin American Peoples Is Invincible" the great leader comrade Kim Il Sung paid tribute to Ernesto Che Guevara and also emphasied the cardinal importance of the Cuba revolution the first socialist revolution in the Western hemisphere and the vanguard of the Latin American revolution.
The great leader comrade Kim Il Sung in the work criticised those
who called for unprincipled co existence with imperialism but at the same
time argued for a broad anti imperialist united front.He also said that the
barriers of imperialist encirclement must be torn down and a worldwide system
of the dictatorship of the proletariat established.

Comrade Pickford said that the "Songun Bomb"(the DPRK's nuclear deterrent)
dealt a crushing blow to the centres of imperialist oppression.

Comrade Dermot Hudson stated that"The Great Anti-Imperialist Revolutionary Cause Of The Asian, African And Latin American Peoples Is Invincible" was
one of the first works of Juche he read and it greatly impressed him.

Some discussion was held on globalization and its ill effects.It was stressed
that globalization needs to be countered by an independent Songun Juche
Comrade Dermot Hudson spoke the anti imperialist struggle for independence
of the WPK he said
"The history of the WPK is the one in which amid its uncompromising struggle against the modern revisionism and social democracy that emerged in the socialist movement of the world, it opened the way to defend and advance the socialist cause under the banner of independence and made a great contribution to the work of expanding and strengthening the anti-imperialist independent forces by putting the unity and solidarity between the socialist countries and revolutionary parties on a new foundation.
From the late 1950s to the early 1960s when modern revisionists’ acts of capitulationism to the US and big-power chauvinistic despotism reached an extreme, the WPK was the first to uphold the banner of defending socialist countries and have them saved from the crisis of division. After the 1970s when the US imperialists were obstinately trying to sow the seeds of discord among socialist countries, it constantly made devoted efforts to turn the relations between socialist countries and the communist and workers’ parties into those based on independence and to strengthen the unity and solidarity based on them. In April 1992, the Pyongyang Declaration “Let Us Defend and Advance the Cause of Socialism” was adopted and the number of political parties of the world that signed the declaration till now amounts to over 270. This clearly shows that the socialist cause, the anti-imperialist cause of independence, has overcame the trials of history and is advancing full of new confidence and manifests the exploits of the WPK which opened a new era of the cold war the WPK has carried on energetic activities to make the non-aligned movement invariably true to its main principle of independence as an independent political force as before, and is giving its active support to the struggle of other countries and nations for building new society and defending sovereignty.
The progressive people of the world have great trust in the WPK advancing under the banner of anti-imperialist independence"

Comrade Kevin Cain read out a statement of the Central Committee of
the All Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks.It said in part

"Without exaggeration, one can say that today on Earth there is no other state where so great and responsible for the destiny of the country and so significant is the role of the ruling political party in the internal and foreign life of the country like in the DPRK.
The Songun policy, basing itself on the Juche ideology, provides firmness, constancy and steadfastness of the political policy worked out by the political- ideological general staff – the CC and Central Military Commission of the WPK under the leadership of Kim Jong IL.
The WPK at the 62 anniversary since its formation is courageously and most certainly storming the heights of the victorious rising to the peak of Juche socialism, demonstrating to the whole world the huge advantages of a socialist system of world building, the highest rates of its development in the extremely unfavourable conditions for this.
In the famous October dates we especially emphasise the significance of the activity of the outstanding political and state activist of the modern times- the General Secretary of the WPK – Great Kim Jong Il in the cause of the strengthening and developing of socialism and the communist ideology in the world as a whole, in the cause of preserving and strengthening peace in N.E. Asia, despite the acts of provocation being encouraged by the USA, directed at the destabilization of the situation and attempts to ignite a world war in this region of the world.
Congratulating Comrade Kim Jong Il on the 10th year since his election to the post of General Secretary of the WPK, we sincerely wish the Supreme Commander in Chief of the KPA, the Chairman of the State Committee for Defence of the DPRK, Great Kim Jong Il boundless living strength in the leadership of the Korean Revolution and the defence of socialism across the whole world.
Long live the WPK – the cementing basis of unity, solidarity and invincibility of Korean society!
Long live the heroic and courageous Korean people, with certainty building socialism, having become an example for all peoples, aiming towards freedom and independence!
Long live the glorious Armed Forces of the DPRK – the guarantee of peace and stability in N.E. Asia!
Long live the political headquarters of the Korean Revolution - the CC and Central Military Commission of the WPK together with the State Committee for Defence led by the outstanding politician of modern day, Comrade Kim Jong Il!
Long live international solidarity of the peoples of the world against the instigators of local and world wars, against the criminal foreign policy of the USA – the international terrorist and sponsor of all the main terrorist organisations of the world!"N.A. Andreeva General Secretary of the AUCPB
Discussion was held on an introduction to the Juche idea.Comrade Dermot Hudson pointed out that KASS now has a section of the Naenara site and
there is an excellent on line introductory course on the Juche idea on the

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