Wednesday 30 January 2008

Letter from the Korean Committee For Solidarity with the World People

Dear Sirs,

Warm greetings from the Korean Committee for Solidarity with the world people!

We are sending this letter because the United States has so far spread all sorts of wild rumors in a bid to charge the DPR Korea with ¡Ènuclear proliferation¡É and ¡Ècounterfeiting¡É but it was fully disclosed that the U.S. is chiefly to blame for the above-said crimes, thus becoming the target of worldwide criticism and ridicule .

The American newspapers are carrying shocking stories almost everyday that senior US officials were involved in selling nuclear technology to other countries.

A woman once worked in the U.S. intelligence agency exposed a fact that senior officials of U.S. Department of State and Department of Defense sold nuclear technology to the spies employed by foreign countries. She was able to learn through wiretapping that an official of Department of State received US$ 15,000 in return for finding the foreigners jobs in Los Alamos Nuclear laboratory in New Mexico , and thereby they became mediators of nuclear technology transfer and resold them to the black market and the foreigners.

She also claimed that senior officials of the U.S. Department of Defense received 250,000 US$ from Israel and other satellite countries to transfer nuclear technology. This time she, as an American revealed a fact in person that main culprit of international nuclear proliferators is none other than the U.S.

It is something noteworthy that those mandarins took lead in spreading such technology though they were apt to accuse other countries of ¡Ènuclear proliferation¡É. The disclosure of their clandestine dealing in nuclear technology has put this self-styled ¡Ènuclear judge¡É in a very embarrassing position.

Recently, the U.S. media also revealed the truth behind the rumor of ¡Èforged bank notes from north Korea ¡É. .

In recent years the U.S. was spreading a rumor of ¡Èforged bank notes from north Korea ¡É on a large scale. In order to give reliance to it, the U.S. spread the rumor that the DPRK was importing equipment and papers from some countries and printing ink from some countries to print the US $. The U.S. went so far as to demand the DPR Korea to pass responsible criminals and copper sheet used to print US $ to the U.S.

The government of the Republic did not necessarily refute everything because it was barefaced lie. The recent disclosure of the above-said fact urges the U.S. not to forget the adage that a wicked man is his own hell. Certainly, the recent American newspapers enumerated a series of doubtful points which were raised during the investigation into the assertion made by the authorities that the ¡Ènorth Korea was forging US$ bank notes¡É.

According to it, papers in counterfeiting were exactly same as the paper used in the U.S. Mint, and number 100 on the super note is the identical with the special ink provided only to the U.S. Mint. What is more doubtful is that the forged bank notes did not increase in a large quantity.

The exposed amount of the forged US$ 100 super note since 1989 amounted to 50, 000,000US$ which is not enough to purchase the elaborate printing equipments and materials.

The American media even went so far as to report that ¡Ètestimonies¡É made by witnesses in regard to the ¡Ènorth Korea forged bank notes¡É raised by the U.S. are not correct, and the witnesses are not believable.

It is said that a ¡Èwitnesses¡É that the U.S. put up has never seen the process of forging US$ bank note, and his mentality is not so normal that he even does not know what picture was drawn on the US$ 100 note.

Even though the U.S. formed a group to conduct 1-year-long investigation, what they searched for is that the rumor of ¡Èforged bank notes from north Korea ¡É is unreliable story..

The evidence that the Macao ¡Çs Banco Delta Asian Bank washed ¡Èforged notes from north Korea ¡É is also said very doubtful.

The American newspaper, ¡ÈNew York Times¡É meaningfully reported that the FBI and Department of Treasure had refused to comply with the interviews which were requested several times in regard to the rumor of ¡Èforged bank notes from north Korea ¡É.

What is noteworthy is the American public opinion that the above-said rumor was fabricated by the U.S. itself.

The former director of the U.S. Mint expressed his view that only the person who are accessible to the Mint equipment of U.S. Administration could forge U.S. bank notes. An American author who wrote ¡Èthe note printers: secret world of printing bank notes¡É claimed that the forged US$ 100 notes are no longer regarded as faked ones as they are illegally printed simultaneously at a time when the real notes being printed and this kind of A-class ¡Èforged notes¡É can be printed only by the CIA and other government level organs in the U.S.

An American journalist explained in his book in detail how CIA weakened former USSR by dint of forging the bank notes.

All facts go to prove that the rumor about ¡È north Korea forged bank notes¡É hyped by the U.S. was just part of its smear campaign to isolate and weaken the DPRK.

The lie can never work in today¡Çs world and the truth will be bound to discover at last.

The U.S. would be well advised to withdraw its anachronistic hostile policy towards DPRK and sincerely to implement its obligation agreed upon in the six-party talks.

Sincerely Yours,

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