Thursday 11 September 2008

The 60th Anniversary of the founding of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea - DPRK by AUCPB

Special publication, by the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks (AUCPB), September 2008 dedicated to

The 60th Anniversary of the founding of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea - DPRK

“The socialist system of our country is a truly democratic system, truly providing the workers, peasants and all working people with political freedoms and rights”. KIM IL SUNG

On 9th September 1948, at the 1st Session of the Supreme People’s Assembly, the formation of the DPRK was proclaimed by Kim Il Sung. Kim Il Sung – hero of the anti-Japanese struggle, the founder of the Korean People’s Army (KPA), its Great commander in chief, who led the Korean people towards the liberation of their Fatherland from the Japanese enslavement, was elected Premier of the DPRK, then Head of State (its president).

According to the constitution, the Supreme People’s Assembly is the highest organ of power in the DPRK. Between the sessions of the SPA, Central Standing Committee of the SPA continues work uninterruptedly. The present constitution of the DPRK was adopted at the I Session of the SPA of the DPRK of the fifth meeting on 27 December 1972. Afterwards, (at sessions of the SPA DPRK – 9th April 1992 and 5th September 1998), several changes and additions were introduced into it, in connection with the development of statehood and a slight change in the state structure of power, that is completely natural for a developing socialist state. The Socialist Constitution of the DPRK is called the Kim IL Sung Constitution, having judicially documenting the idea of the Great Leader about state structure and the achievements in the construction of socialism.

Chairman of the country’s National Defence Commission – Comrade Kim Jong Il is at present, the Head of State. The status of President of the country after the demise of the Great Leader, remains with Kim IL Sung and noone else has been elected to this post since. Comrade Kim Jong Il was first elected to the post of Chairman of the National Defence Commission (NDC) of the DPRK on 9th April 1993, re-elected to this high and responsible post on 3rd September 2003.

Local organs of power make up the People’s Assemblies - provincial ones (for towns and central subordination), town ones (district) and local district (county). In the period between sessions, the local organs of power consist of People’s Committees (provincial ones (for towns and central subordination), town ones (district) and local county district ones.

The system of state organs of the DPRK allows the workers, peasants, soldiers and working intelligentsia to actively participate in state affairs and in the running of the state, and the state organs of power best implement the interests of the people, ever more energetically advancing the revolution and socialist construction, strengthening the country’s defence capability.

In North Korea after the liberation of the Fatherland (15th August 1945) and the successful solution to the tasks of the anti-imperialist, anti-feudal democratic revolution, in an extremely short period of time (1945 -1948) the social-economic basis of exploitation was liquidated, and the start of the transition over to socialism was laid down. New, socialist production relations were established in the DPRK, directed at the raising the prosperity of the working people – the entire people. Continual improvement in the material and cultural life of the people is the highest principle of the state and party activity in the DPRK.

The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea is a sovereign socialist state, where state (common people’s) and cooperative ownership makes up its economic base, where all members of society work, forming a united collective, in which every person helps each other and with this, high results are achieved in work.

State (common people’s) ownership prevails in industry and cooperative ownership prevails in agriculture. Cooperative ownership is one of the forms of socialist property developing in close connection with common people’s property.

Cooperative property, as a form, carrying a transitional character, according to level of further strengthening of the socialist material-technical basis of agriculture (thanks to investment of state funding) and raising the ideological level of the peasants, gradually transfers over in common people’s property.

In the DPRK, personal property also exists, which makes up a share of socialist distribution thanks to the state and society, and also products from a very small personal subsidiary economy. In the DPRK, personal property is protected by law and provides the right for it to be inherited.

In the DPRK, according to the Constitution, an 8 hour work day has been established. In separate spheres of production, 7 hour and 6 hour work days have been established. Mothers who have 3 children, work 6 hours but get paid for 8 hour work day. Citizens can start work from the age of 16. The work carried out by persons under 16, is banned. The citizens of the DPRK do not pay income tax on their wages (everyone receives so-called “pure” wages”).

The DPRK is a Socialist democratic state and provides its citizens, by the Constitution, guaranteed true rights and political freedoms. Every citizen of the DPRK who has reached 17 years old, has the right to vote and also be elected to all organs of people’s power. Every citizen has the right to freedom of speech, print, assembly, association and demonstrations, freedom of belief and of atheism.

Every citizen of the DPRK has the guaranteed right to work according to their interests and abilities, the right to housing and paid holidays, the right to free school (11 year) and higher education, the right to free health care, freedom of scientific and literary-creative activity. Veterans of the revolution, members of families of revolutionaries and patriots who have passed away, members of families of military service personnel of the Korean People’s Army, war invalids are taken special care of by the state and society.

Women have equal social standing and rights as men, and women and children are provided with special benefits by the state.

The rights and freedoms of the citizens are continuously expanding according to the level of development of socialist society.

One needs to especially take note of the attention and care taken by the state and the Worker’s Party of Korea (WPK) towards the up and coming generation. Children are surrounded by an all-common love. For them, all conditions have been created for the creative development of the individual and his or her gifts, for the preservation of their health, for the chance to participate on any sport of their desire regardless of whether or not they live in a large city or in a small village. Daycare and kindergartens are completely free for the parents. Educators with special education take care of the children. Constant control over the health of the children is carried out. Palaces and houses for children are found in every populated area. In the summertime, children spend time at pioneer camps, where they often rest together with children from other states that are friendly with the DPRK, and with this, good friendly relations between children are established – the basis of normal respectful relations of the future generation in the future world. The young generation is being educated in the DPRK in the spirit of the highest of patriotism and high morals, is growing up highly cultured and highly educated.

Despite the most brutal economic embargo imposed by the USA, practically from the moment of the formation of the DPRK, the constant ideological acts of diversion and the threat of a pre-emptive nuclear strike on part of frenzied American imperialism, the DPRK is successfully building its own socialist state, developing its own economy and strengthening its defence capability. The victory over the USA by the tiny, only just “born” DPRK in the Fatherland Liberation War bears witness to the strength of spirit of the citizens of new Korea, of their unity around their Leader with high patriotism that is stronger than the any of the latest weapons.

The state leads and runs the economy of the country which is developing in a planned way (5 year plans are being adopted which take into account all spheres of industrial and agricultural production, the development of science, technology, the people’s education, health, industrial and housing construction, etc.). The detailing of planning makes it possible to concretely take into account all the elements of production and provide for constant growth in the economy. A special role is allocated to scientific-production activity connected to the military-industrial complex that serves to strengthen the defence might of the country. This has the most important significance in the conditions of a 60-year old confrontation with the USA, constantly threatening the DPRK with a pre-emptive nuclear strike. The scientific-research work being carried out by Korean scientists, the recent creating of medium range ballistic missiles capable of reaching the territory of the United States and equipped with warheads (also designed by Korean scientists), have significantly cooled the military-adventurous dust of America, which has made it possible for the people of the DPRK under present conditions, to live and work more peacefully, advancing forward the cause of the three Korean revolutions – the ideological, technological and cultural revolutions on the path towards complete victory of socialism in the DPRK.

In the DPRK, several political parties and social organizations function. The ruling party is the Workers’ Party of Korea (WPK) – the party of the Great Leader Comrade Kim IL Sung, the revolutionary party of the Juche type, founded by the Great Leader on 10th October 1945. The Great leader Comrade Kim Jong IL has been unanimously elected several times over as the party’s General Secretary.

The Workers’ Party of Korea is made up of workers, peasants and intelligentsia who work in the name of the triumph of the cause of socialism and communism. The WPK has inherited glorious revolutionary traditions that were laid down in the heroic anti-Japanese struggle. The main tasks of the WPK are the achievement of continuous growth in the prosperity of the people, the strengthening of the might of the Fatherland and unifying the Korean nation.

The WPK is the political headquarters which organizes and directs the revolutionary struggle and socialist construction in the DPRK and fully answers for the destiny of the entire Korean people. The WPK today unifies in its ranks more than 3 million people (in the DPRK live more than 30 million people).

The Korean Social-Democratic Party was formed on 3rd November 1945. From the moment of its formation, the KSDP had written into its program – to recognize the leading role of the WPK and in a coalition with it, fight against the forces of imperialism and feudalism for the building of a democratic, sovereign and independent state. In the program of the KSDP, written in as the main tasks are – independence of the country and nation, implementing democracy in political life, development of the socialist economic system, greater prosperity for the people, development of national education, culture and art, and the achievement of the independent and peaceful unification of the Fatherland.

The Chondoist Chongu Party (CCP) was formed on 8th February 1946. Its Program differed little from the Program of the KSDP and, at one time, a member of the Democratic Front for the Reunification of the Fatherland, the CCP fights for the achievement of the independent peaceful unification of the Fatherland.

The Democratic Front for the Reunification of the Fatherland (or Fatherland Front) was formed on 22 July 1946. Its main task for the members– independently of specialty, gender, religion and party membership, was to rally around the Leader (earlier, President Kim IL Sung, and nowadays – comrade Kim Jong IL) all patriotic, democratic forces in society on the basis of a worker-peasant alliance, and mobilize them into bringing to life the idea of reunification of the nation.

The General Federation of Trade Unions of Korea has more than 1.6 million members and also includes all branch trade unions. Their main task lies in the active participation in socialist construction and running the socialist economy, health and safety, and ideological-educational work among their members.

The League of Socialist Working Youth of Korea (nowadays called – the Kim Il Sung Socialist Youth League) was founded on 17th January 1946 and is a mass political youth organisation. As a militant youth organisation called upon to adopt the relay race of the revolution, the KYL is the trusty reserve and supporter of the WPK, and has more than 3.8 million members.

In the DPRK, function the North Korean Federation of the Peasants’ Associations (1.3 million members), the Democratic Women’s Union of North Korea (more than 200 thousand members), and also several organisations that place emphasis on their activity on several questions such as – the peaceful unification of the Fatherland, cultivation ties abroad, the struggle in defence of peace, solidarity with the peoples of the world for independence, self-reliance and against imperialism. The Korea Christian Federation, the Korean Buddhist Federation and other social political organisations also function in Korea. All of them in their work are helping to solve questions on one thing or another in Korean society, unifying all the citizens around the policies of the Workers’ Party of Korea.

Korean citizens abroad (those who in the period of colonial rule by Japanese imperialism were forcibly driven from their homes and into Japan under the pretext of work or military duty, or were compelled to travel abroad in search for a means of existence) according to the Law citizenship, have the status of citizen of the DPRK and at any time may be repatriated to the DPRK. Since the end of 1959, more than 150 thousand Koreans have been repatriated to the DPRK from Japan. President Kim Il Sung created an aid fund in Japan, to help with education and grants for Koreans living in this country. Presently, in Japan the Association for Korean Residents in Japan (Chongryong), which unifies more than 700 thousand members.

“Chongryong” has a good publishing base and supplies its own products in various languages to more than 150 countries of the world.

Socialist Korea has wide international political contacts and diplomatic representation in the vast majority of countries of the world. The international authority of the DPRK has especially grown in the last 15 years thanks to the irreconcilable firmness of the political line and self-reliance of the DPRK foreign policy. The DPRK is a member of many international and Worldwide organisations. The International Institute for the study of the Juche Idea (head-quarters in Tokyo) has Regional Institutes that are functioning in the countries of Latin America, Asia, Europe and Africa.

The DPRK for the past 60 years has passed along a very difficult and glorious path of defending its independence and self-reliance despite the hostile policy of the USA and its satellites.

Today, the DPRK is a highly developed industrial power, in possession of a nuclear weapon as the only real present restraining factor in providing a reliable defence capability for the country, in conditions of a deepening system crisis of imperialism on the whole, and the recession in the USA.

The Songun (Army first) policy implemented by the WPK makes it possible to find solutions to the most complex of tasks, which others would think impossible. The Songun policy means unity of the Army and people and that the revolution will triumph only with the presence of weapons. Songun politics, the basis of which was worked out by the Great Leader in the period of the anti-Japanese struggle, officially become the country’s state policy in January 1997. This policy provided not only the indestructible unity of society, but also the triumphant construction of socialism in extremely difficult for the DPRK foreign policy conditions. The Army watchfully stands guard on its native borders, constantly updating and modernizing its professional skills and introducing and mastering new types of weapons, as a threatening warning to any possible aggressor. The Korean People’s Army also takes an active part in socialist construction in the towns as well as in the countryside.

In Socialist Korea, a very respectful and extremely careful attitude dominates in relation to their cultural and national treasure and their own history. There are many museums and exhibitions of various themes. In the DPRK many beautiful memorials to the present epoch have been built and continue to be built – memorials for the future generations about the arduous struggle for the liberation of the country and the establishment of a new social-political system – socialism.

Korea is a wonderful country of “morning calm”, rich with surprisingly rare species of animals and plants together with beautiful and charming landscapes, blindingly wonderful waterfalls and wonderful views around the mountain peaks. Koreans love their country and carefully look after its beauty and are preserving it for the future generations. The beauty of the nature of the DPRK, the grandiose successes in socialist construction, attract many tourists to the DPRK.

Koreans live friendly, not just work, but also know how to rest well, singing their song “We do not envy anyone”.

Congratulating the heroic Korean people on the 60th Anniversary since the founding of the DPRK, we sincerely wish them further new successes in all spheres of various activity on the path towards a prosperous and powerful socialist power of a united Korean nation.

We congratulate on this famous date, the outstanding state and political activist of the modern epoch, the banner carrier of the struggle against imperialism in North East Asia, the worthy continuer of the cause of the Great Leader Comrade Kim IL Sung – the Great Kim Jong IL, and wish him new victories over American imperialism in the struggle for the cause of Socialism, for PEACE across the whole world, for INDEPENDENCE and SELF-RELIANCE of all peoples, who have chosen their own historical path of development.

Further information on the DPRK, its Constitution and the daily struggle against American imperialism, about the successes in socialist construction and our support of the policies in the DPRK, can be read on the website of the AUCPB in the section- “Inside the countries of socialism” DPRK (В странах социализма», КНДР.)

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