Friday 27 August 2010

UK KFA Statement on Japan's Need to make reparations


London 26th of August

The UK Korean Friendship Association fully supports the statement of the DPRK Foreign
Ministry of August 20th that Japan should make an immediate apolegy to the DPRK and finally pay reparations to the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea.

The atrocities of Japanese imperialism in Asia far exceeded the atrocities of the Hitler nazis.The Japanese imperialists fabricated a treaty a 100 years ago and seized control of Korea making it a colony.Untold crimes and plunder were committed by the Japanese aggressors in Korea including forcing Korean women into sexual slavery and the mass theft of treasures and resources of Korea.
Massive damage was done to the development of the Korean nation by Japanese colonialism and the sufferings of the Korean people were immeasurable.

It is only just that Japan apoligises to the DPRK ,though belatedly and pays reparations.
Moreover Japan should stop repressing the General Association of Korean Residents in
Japan,the legitmate organisation of Koreans and stop enforcing sanctions on the DPRK.
The Japanese imperialists must take their hands off Tok Islet.
The UK Korean Friendship fully support the Korean people and DPRK government in their struggle against Japanese imperialism.


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