Wednesday 24 November 2010

UK KFA -South Korea is to blame THEY FIRED FIRST


London 24th November
The UK Korean Friendship Association today issued the following statement.We note with great concern as friends of Korea the serious situation that has arisen as a result of the south Korean puppet provocation yesterday 23rd of November.

The grave situaton is entirely due to the US imperialists and the south Korean puppets.The news agency Reuters has quoted south Korea as saying that it did indeed "test fire" before the Korean Peoples Army of the DPRK launched a retaliatory artillery barrage,this is an admission of provocation.Any firing in a disputed area at a time of high tension will invietably be treated as hostile and due countermeasures taken.

The DPRK does not recognise the so called northern limit arbitarily imposed by the US and south Korean side without agreement from the DPRK.The island of Yongphyong is actually inside DPRK territory but south Korea and the US have bases illegally on the island.This is a military base area so it is unlikely that there are civilians there.The "Hoguk" exercise was and is an illegal infringement of the DPRK's sovereignity which the DPRK demanded to be cancelled and our UK KFA also called so be cancelled.The "Hoguk" exercise was the latest in a series of US and south Korean military exercises held in Korea.The KPA had repeatedly warned on many occasions that any provocation
would be met with a powerful counter strike but the south Korean puppets foolishly
chose to ignore such warnings.

The behaviour of the south Korean puppets is like a small child who has been punished hard for misbehaving but instead of accepting admonishment has run home crying to its parents. We support the just and correct action of the DPRK in defence of its independence, sovereignity and socialist system.We also support the statement issued by the KPA Supreme Command. We condemn the media in the UK and US and elsewhere for fanning war hysteria by exaggerating the incident grossly and falsely reporting.

We call upon the US to halt the deployment of the "USS George Washington" and stop the Hoguk exercise NOW! before it is too late.


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