Thursday 14 April 2011

Joint statement of ASSPUK and JISGE on Sun's Day


London April 15 Juche 99

On the occasion of the 99th birth anniversary of the great leader comrade Kim Il Sung the ASSPUK and JISGE issued the following joint statement.We Juche idea and Songun idea
followers pay high tribute to the great leader comrade Kim Il Sung on the day of his birth and wish to express our profound reverence.

The great leader comrade Kim Il Sung was born into a poor peasant family but rose to become the leader of Korea and a world statesman of great renown.He fought 2 imperialist powers Japan and the US becoming known as the ever victorious iron willed brilliant commander and gifted military strategist.He achieved Korea's independence and founded a new Juche Korea.He authored the immortal Juche idea.

The great leader comrade Kim Il Sung put forward absolutely correct lines for the world revolution including the line of anti US anti imperialist struggle and the line of achieving global independence.
The great leader comrade Kim Il Sung also tirelessly fought to reunify the divided Korean nation and build a reunified Korea based on independence and unity.
The great leader comrade Kim Il Sung put forward firm principles and lines for the building of socialism and wisely implemented them so that socialism was built successfully in the D P R Korea.The DPRK came to have an advanced socialist system,of a Korean style, centred upon the popular masses.It has an independent national economy.The great leader President Kim Il Sung authored wonderful theories on the dictatorship of the proletariat and the complete victory of socialism.He alone was the only leader to oppose modern revisionism,Left opportunism,sectarianism and dogmatism.

The Juche idea is a new and orginal theory that puts man at the centre of the world and stipulates that the popular masses are indeed the masters of the revolution and construction.Today the Juche idea is the guiding compass for national,class and human liberation.It shows humanity how to get rid of all fetters and to live in complete independence without oppression and exploitation.

We Juche Idea and Songun idea followers of Britain are totally inspired by the revolutionary activities of the great leader comrade Kim Il Sung and his great Juche idea and aspire to make a revolution under the banner of the Juche idea.


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