Monday 26 December 2011

39th anniversary of the DPRK 's Socialist Constitution


London 26th December Juche 100 (2011)

The ASSPUK,JISGE and UK KFA issued a joint statement on the occasion of the 39th anniversary of the Socialist Constitution of the DPRK.
On the 27th of December is the 39th anniversary of the Socialist Constitution of the Democratic People's Republic and also the anniversary of the great leader comrade Kim Il Sung been elected president of the DPRK (he had previously been premier and chairman).

The promulgation of the Socialist Constitution of the DPRK legally reflected that the DPRK had come to have an advanced socialist system with no exploitation or oppression. It legally guarantees the building of socialism in the DPRK and actually sets down lines and policies for Juche orientated state building. Indeed is is unique in the world as it a Juche-orientated constitution.
The Socialist Constitution of the DPRK fully provides Korean people with democratic rights and civil liberties. The imperialist and their paid hacks and fake "human rights" organisations slander the DPRK over "human rights " but in fact under the DPRK Socialist Constitution people are guaranteed the inviolability of the person(article 79) which is not fully guaranteed in the imperialist countries Article 2 stipulates that the DPRK is a revolutionary state and article 3 states that the DPRK is guided by the Juche Idea and Songun idea. Article 4 says that the sovereignty of the DPRK rests with the workers,peasants,working intellectuals and all other working people.

Unlike bourgeois states deputies to the SPA are accountable to the people and can be recalled if they lose the trust of the people Article 7.

The people of the DPRK are guaranteed independence and creativity as prescribed by the immortal Juche idea .They have legal rights unknown in capitalist countries,the right to work Article 70 ,right to relaxation article 71 right to free medical care article 72,right to education article 73.

Thus the DPRK proudly celebrates its Constitution day on 27th December each year. The Socialist Constitution of the DPRK .The Socialist Constitution provides a sure legal guarantee for building a great prosperous powerful socialist nation of Juche. The Socialist Constitution of the DPRK is a great inspiration to the world progressive people fighting for independence and socialism.
May the Korean people under the leadership of vice-chairman Kim Jong Un continue along the road of Juche-orientated state buiding , the path of people-centred socialism.

Long live the Socialist Constitution of the DPRK !


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