Wednesday 28 December 2011

The idiotic and lying reporting of the reactionary imperialist BBC

Sent to us by a good friend of the DPRK and comrade
BBC man doesn't even see that he contradicts himself! Or does he think that his readers are stupid?

On one hand, according to him,

"But he had spoken by phone to several people in the countryside, who told him openly that they hated Kim Jong-il for the devastating poverty they had suffered as a result of his policies."

On the other hand,
"in a country where the labour-camps are overflowing with prisoners, it is dangerous to show signs of resentment. "

So, how come it wasn't dangerous for his detector source' s contacts "to tell him openly that they hated Kim Jong Il", but on the other hand, "it is dangerous to show signs of resentment" ?? Can detector really phone DPRK from South Korea?

I doubt very much his gutter press' level journalist has ever visited DPRK himself.

The whole article is a mix of assumptions, unnamed "sources" and open distortions of the reality"

Indeed the reporting of the BBC is stupid and idiotic as well offensive to the extreme. To add to the comments above would the "defector"(in reality a traitor and a criminal ) access to telephone numbers in DPRK rural areas, if the DPRK was so closed etc would the line get cut straight away ? Actually those of us with working knowledge of the DPRK know this story is untrue.
It is the British Brainwashing Corporation that in closely controlled by the state and ruling class of the UK with staff being vetted by MI5 before they can get jobs on the company . No doubt some of their foreign reporters are really MI6 agents.

We should demand the BBC stops insulting the Korean people in their moment of grief

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