Wednesday 25 January 2012

DPRK Juche socialist advance v capitalist crisis

In the DPRK in the first part of this year industrial output value has increased by 20% compared to last year. Many big construction projects are going ahead in the DPRK. Contrast this to the situation in the capitalist countries. The much trumpeted south Korean economy (in reality a dependent neo-colonial economy) grew by only 0.4 % in the last quarter of 2011,this means by a rough comparsion the DPRK is now growing 8 times faster than south Korea. In the 1960s it was grudgingly acknowledged by some in the imperialist world that the DPRK was ahead of south Korea in the economy and in fact in many fields the DPRK's production was many times that of south Korea.
In the UK GDP has actually fallen by 0.2 % and total government debt has now hit over a trillion £.
Thus the Juche-based independent national economy based on unified planning is advancing rapidly outpacing the capitalist economies.

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