Monday 6 January 2014



                         7th January Juche 103(2013)
                      On the 8th of January it will be the anniversary of the birth of the dear respected leader Marshal Kim Jong Un , the First secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea, First Chairman of the National Defence Commission of the DPRK and supreme commander of the Korean People's Army.
                                                            Dear respected Marshal Kim Jong Un is not only  deeply respected by the Korean people and Juche idea followers , Songun idea followers but also the world revolutionary people as evidenced by the fact that Russian anti globalist ,anti-capitalist youth carried the portrait of the dear respected leader Marshal Kim Jong Un at a demonstration in Russia . Korean people are  now acclaiming the dear respected leader Marshal Kim Jong Un as the great guide of the Songun revolution and great Sun of Songun Korea.
                               Dear respected Marshal Kim Jong Un   has been at the helm of the  Songun revolution of Korea  , the party, state and armed forces since the untimely passing away of the great leader comrade Kim Jong Il in December 2011. Dear respected general Kim Jong Un has proved himself to an unparalleled and brilliant successor to the Juche revolutionary cause and a great supreme commander, another great Songun general of the Mt Paektu type who is loyally following in the footsteps of the great generalissimo's of Mt Paektu comrades Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il . 

 On January 1st 2012 dear respected Marshal Kim Jong Un  gave on the spot guidance to the historic Seoul Ryu Kyong Su no 105 Tank division of the Korean People's Army. This unit is steeped in revolutionary history . It was the tanks from this unit that liberated Seoul on the third day of the great victorious Fatherland Liberation War against the US imperialist aggressors. It was here on August 25th 1960 that the great leader comrade Kim Jong Il began his Songun-based revolutionary leadership. Therefore it was an event of great significance. . By visiting the Seoul Ryu Kyong Su no 105 tank division dear respected general Kim Jong Un demonstrated very clearly that he will continue the Songun-based revolutionary leadership that was started by the great leader comrade Kim Jong Il. This dealt a blow to those reactionary forces and their followers who hope for "change " in the DPRK , i.e. "reform" and "opening up" which would led to the restoration of capitalism.
Instead dear respected comrade Kim Jong Un made it clear that he was going to continue along the road of independent Juche- based  socialism under the banner of the red flag of Juche and Songun. The red flag of Juche socialism is literally flying high on the streets of Pyongyang . This is a great inspiration to the revolutionary peoples of the world aspiring after socialism and communism . The DPRK was built into a model country of socialism by the great leader President Kim Il Sung and this was continued by the great leader comrade Kim Jong Il. After the frustration of socialism in some countries and “opening up” and “reform” in some other countries the hopes of the world people are focused. on the DPRK as the model of true socialism.
                                                         Recently dear respected Marshal Kim Jong Un guided the exposure and purge of the anti-party counter-revolutionary factional clique at the enlarged plenary meeting of the Political Bureau of the WPK on the 8th of December . These traitors,modern-day factionalists ,with the backing of  the US imperialists and the south Korean puppets  and outside forces  planning to overthrow the DPRK government and restore capitalism and sell the people out to imperialism . Dear respected Marshal Kim Jong Un smashed ,so decisively and resolutely, these enemies within . This strengthened the independence of the  DPRK as well ensuring the DPRK continued down the socialist road and not the capitalist road. For some years some ultra-leftists were dismissive of the DPRK's and WPK's anti-revisionist stance, quibbling that it was simply words on paper and slandering the DPRK and the supreme revolutionary leadership from  ultra-left positions. Now such people have been made to eat their words as the DPRK under the leadership of great Marshal Kim Jong Un has proved that it fights revisionism in practice by the exposure , purge and physical liquidation of the anti-party counter-revolutionary faction ! 
                                  Now dear respected Marshal Kim Jong Un declares that the people of the DPRK must fight hard against the insidious ideological and cultural infiltration of imperialism;
" The political and ideological position is a fortress that decides the victory and failure in the battle of defending socialism, and consolidating the revolutionary ranks politically and ideologically is the most important task facing us.     In this significant year, in which we greet the 40th anniversary of the programme of modelling the whole society on Kimilsungism advanced by the great General, we should solidify the Party organizationally and ideologically, train all the members of society to be equipped with Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism and cement the single-hearted unity of the revolutionary ranks.
    It is imperative to establish the monolithic leadership system in the Party, definitely ensure the purity of Party ranks and improve the militant functions and role of Party organizations. We should intensify ideological education among officials, Party members and other working people to ensure that they think and act at all times and in all places in line with the Party's ideas and intentions with the steadfast faith that they know only the great Comrades Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il and our Party. We should ensure that they approach with political awareness even the slightest phenomenon and element that infringe on the unity of the Party and revolutionary ranks and undermine their single-hearted unity, and eliminate them in a thoroughgoing way. They should wage a vigorous struggle to stamp out any sort of alien ideology and decadent lifestyle which may undermine our system and thus resolutely smash the enemy's schemes for ideological and cultural infiltration."
                                                    This is a powerful blow to the imperialists and revisionists who scheme to undermine  Juche-based socialism by infiltrating alien and corrupt ideologies into the country.
                                    Respected Marshal Kim Jong Un is a great thinker who has defended the purity of the ideas of the great leaders President Kim Il Sung and generalissimo Kim Jong Il defining these ideas clearly and lucidly as Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism  ;
          "an integral system of the idea, theory and method of Juche, and a great revolutionary ideology representative of the Juche era. Guided by Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism, we should conduct Party building and Party activities, so as to sustain the revolutionary character of our Party and advance the revolution and construction in line with the ideas and intentions of the President and the General. "
                                                           Thus Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism is a powerful weapon which  to maintain the revolutionary character of the WPK and lead the Songun revolution to final victory !
                  The US imperialists ,world imperialists and reactionaries all fear dear respected Marshal Kim Jong Un the ever-victorious Songun brilliant commander who defends the independence and sovereignty of Juche Korea . On the 12th of February 2013 the DPRK carried out its third nuclear test demonstrating the might of Songun to the world making the arrogant imperialists shake with fear in their luxury mansions. In response to the provocative moves of the US imperialists and the south Korean puppets in March 2013 supreme commander Marshal Kim Jong Un  instructed the KPA Supreme Command to place the strategic rockets of the KPA onto standby ready to hit the US imperialists aggression forces if they dared intrude 0.001mm into the territory of the DPRK. The US imperialists were put into a grave panic by this. In August 2012 when the US imperialists staged the warlike Ulji Freedom Guardian dear respected Marshal Kim Jong Un declared;
       " If the enemies fire even a single shell on our inviolable territory and territorial waters, the KPA should deal prompt deadly blows at them and the whole army should turn out as one and lead the battle to an all-out counter-offensive for accomplishing the great cause of national reunification. I issued this order to the whole army and examined the operational plan for implementing it and finally signed it.
The courageous officers and men of the KPA, upon receiving this order, occupied their battle positions to cope with the reckless moves of the U.S. and the south Korean puppet forces and are now waiting for a final order for charge for a life-and death-battle against the enemies.
There is a limit to our patience.
'Counter a provocation with a prompt counterattack and a war of aggression with a great, just war for national reunification!' This is our principled stand and steadfast will."

                      This declaration reflected  the will of the Workers' Party of Korea to reunify Korea tightly holding the arms of Songun, it is also reflected the militant anti-imperialist revolutionary do or die spirit of the DPRK under the leadership of dear respected Marshal Kim Jong Un.
                                        Dear respected  Marshal Kim Jong Un is not only a great thinker and a skilful iron-willed military commander but an authentic people's leader . He is always dressed in a suit that all Korean working people wear . He pays keen attention to the people's living standards . Even the hostile capitalist media were forced to concede that dear respected Marshal Kim Jong Un is building many new leisure facilities for the people as well housing and health service complexes , Reuters , on the 23rd of November 2013, carried an article "Kim Jong Un the master builder ". Visiting the DPRK in April 2012 (which now seems like a long time ago) I learnt how that on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the birth of the great leader President Kim Il Sung , dear respected Marshal Kim Jong Un ensured that every family received ,free of charge, duck meat, sweets and beer . Truly dear respected Marshal Kim Jong  Un  is a people's leader par excellence.

                                         Thus dear respected Marshal Kim Jong Un , who follows in the footsteps of the great generalissimo's of Mt Paektu, is a leader who has achieved much in different fields. He is the outstanding leader of the 21st century.
Written by the President of the ASSPUK and chairman of the JISGE

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