Monday 10 March 2014

ASSPUK , JISGE and UK KFA on the results of the elections to the DPRK Supreme People's Assembly .

ASSOCIATION FOR THE STUDY OF SONGUN POLITICS UK email                                                                

 London 10th of March Juche 103(2014)
      The ASSPUK, JISGE and UK Korean Friendship Association today issued the
following statement regarding the news of the election results in the Democratic
People's Republic of Korea ;

                    It is a great achievement of Juche-based socialism that the elections to the Supreme People's Assembly have been held and that all electors except those on foreign tour or engaged in deep sea fishing voted . This is an achievement is without parallel and would be impossible in the capitalist world which is riven with discord , disunity and conflict. Dear respected Marshal Kim Jong Un was elected to the Paekstusan no 111 constituency with 100 per cent of votes cast. No capitalist politician could ever achieve this but dear respected Marshal Kim Jong Un  a true people's leader enjoys the unanimous support of all the people of the DPRK .
                       Firstly , we congratulate dear respected Marshal Kim Jong Un , the supreme leader of the Korean people on his election as deputy for the Paektusan no 111 constituency of the Supreme People's Assembly. This is a reflection of the deep trust and respect for him by the Korean people as well a manifestation of revolutionary unity , single minded unity.
                                                                                Secondly, the Supreme People's Assembly elections demonstrate the single-hearted unity of the people around the leader and the party . It vividly shows that the DPRK is a harmonious society , an integral whole . The elections were joyously celebrated by people singing and dancing outside polling stations . What a contrast this is to the gloomy atmosphere of elections under bourgeois democracy in which cowed and despondent people line up at polling stations or violence and conflict that accompanies elections in some capitalist countries.
Thirdly, the Supreme People's Assembly elections demonstrate the superiority of the advantageous people's democratic election system of the DPRK. The people were able to vote for people's candidates chosen through mass meetings rather than voting for exploiters . Some imperialist reactionaries , the enemies of Juche, have slandered the DPRK SPA elections calling for "multi-party  " elections . However elections in capitalist countries are pointless as they involve simply voting for one capitalist candidate instead of another capitalist candidate so there is no choice . Reactionary anti DPRK forces have taken issue with the concept of voting No against a candidate but does this not give the elector a choice . In capitalist countries electors do not have the right to vote against candidates , they can only vote for a candidate  so the DPRK electoral system is actually more democratic . In actual fact elections in many capitalist countries are characterised by vote rigging , corruption and gerrymandering.
              To conclude our organisations , the ASSPUK ,JISGE and UK KFA , salute the consolidation of revolutionary power , the Juche-orienated people's power  through the single hearted unity displayed in the elections to the 13th Supreme People's Assembly. The DPRK, under the leadership , of dear respected Marshal Kim Jong Un , will march towards the final of building a thriving socialist country.


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