Sunday 31 August 2014

Acknowledgement of Church Leader

“Why didn’t you, the Reverend, deliver Bibles in Korea?”
The question was put by a reporter to the Reverend Billy Graham, American church leader who was called the boss of conservatives of the world religious circles after the latter visited Pyongyang.
Billy Graham answered:
“I feel no necessity to preach in Korea. Books of Bible are all containing the will of God to love human beings. But human love is a national policy in that country. Believing in the people as in Heaven, President Kim Il Sung practices state polices such as free education, free medical care, and responsibility for food, clothing and housing. The Korean people support him as Heaven. Who needs a book of Bible in such a country?”
The reply was not accidental for a pastor who preaches religious doctrine as his mission.
The DPRK, as he saw, was a world of people which embodies the Juche Idea that puts forward as the motive force of history and heavenly beings the people who had been only the object of exploitation and oppression.
This country is called the People’s Republic, its power the people’s power and its army the People’s Army.
Monumental edifices such as Grand People’s Study House, People’s Palace of Culture, People’s Theatre, People’s Hospital and the most honorable titles such as People’s Teacher and People’s Artist are all named after people.
“The people are my God” or believing in people as in Heaven is a favorite theory and motto of President Kim Il Sung. It is also a basic ideal of the Party and state building in the DPRK.
Kim Il Sung in his lifetime said if he had any hobby, it was going among the people and listening to them, and the people are the most admirable teachers.
With this point of view Kim Il Sung in an advanced age of 80 toured factories and rural villages without let-up, devoting his all for the welfare of people.
From the days of building a new Korea after liberation till the last period of his life he toured as long as over 578 000km, equal to 14.5 rounds of the earth.
The period includes Sundays, holidays and his birthdays, over 2 530 days in all.
The figures tell of the life of the President who dedicated all his painstaking efforts for the people with the conception of “The people are my God” as his lifelong motto and became the father of a large family of the nation.
The Korean people reverentially called him “father leader” rather than the President.
It was an irrepressible eruption of their hearty feelings.
They believed in President Kim Il Sung as in Heaven and spoke highly of him as human sun amid the admiration of the world people.
President Kim Il Sung who devoted his whole life for the welfare of the Korean people will be alive in their hearts as their eternal leader.

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