Monday 20 April 2015

ASSPUK and JISGE on the 83rd anniversary of the foundation of the Korean People's Army (as the Anti-Japanese People's Guerrilla Army )

   ASSOCIATION FOR THE STUDY OF SONGUN POLITICS UK email                                                              

             London 12th of April Juche 103(2014)

The Association For the Study of Songun Politics UK and Juche Idea Study Group of England issued the following joint statement on the occasion of the 83rd anniversary of the foundation of the Korean People's Revolutionary Army(KPRA) the forerunner of the modern Korean People's Army on the 25th of April.

       We Juche idea-Songun idea followers in the UK applaud the 83rd anniversary of the foundation of the KPA(25 April 1932) at a time when the KPA commanded by dear respected Marshal Kim Jong Un is defending the achievements of Juche Korea from US imperialist aggression and is standing in acute confrontation with US imperialism. It is the KPA that is the only armed force in the world to have the slogan "Let Us Wipe Out the US imperialist aggressors ,sworn enemy of the Korean people". This is a most militant anti-imperialist revolutionary slogan that expresses the uncomromprising will of the KPA soldiers to settle accounts with US imperialism.

The foundation of  Anti-Japanese Peoples Guerrilla Army, in 1932, by the great leader comrade Kim Il Sung, a gifted military strategist and ever -victorious iron willed brilliant commander, constitutes the bedrock of the Songun reovolution .

The Korean People’s Army, under the wise leadership of the great leader Marshal Kim Il Sung, took over and carried forward the traditions of the anti Japanese armed struggle. It is based solidly on revolutionary comradeship. Moreover a tradition of army -people unity was created and today flourishes in Songun Korea

Under the wise leadership of the great generalissimo's  Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Ilthe KPA grew into steel strong ranks each soldier being a match for a hundred enemy soldiers.The KPA inflicted a crushing defeat on the US imperialists in the great Fatherland Liberation War of 1950-1953.The KPA also defeated the US in the ‘Pueblo incident’,'EC121 incident’, ‘Panmunjom incident’ of 1976 and the 1994 elicopter downing incident

The KPA became a true Juche orientated revolutionary armed force and is the army of the party,the working class and the leader. New theories of warfare have been created.'Moreover under the leadership of the great leader generalissimo Kim Il Sung the KPA stuck to class and revolutionary principles, the revisionist and opportunist " non class" theories were soundly smashed, The leadership of the party over the armed forces was maintained and enhanced unlike some countries where socialism was frustrated,

                 The might of the KPA was further strengthened under the leadership of supreme commander Kim Jong Il ,who practised Songun politics giving priority to the KPA regarding it as the central pillar of the revolution. The KPA under the Songun revolutionary leadership of the great leader the KPA grew stronger in terms of ideology and politics but also materially. It is now equipped with the latest weaponry and has its own independent deterrent force. The KPA under the command of the Songun supreme commander Kim Jong Il and respected general Kim Jong Un smashed the provocations of the south Korean puppets in November 2010 turning Yongphyong island into sea of flames The KPA  now possesses the most up to date military hardware  including long range missiles and a nuclear deterrent.        

The 83 years of history of the Korean People's Army have been 83 years of victory and glory , The KPA , the vanguard force of the Songun revolution, has defeated the imperialists many times, and under the leadership of supreme commander Kim Jong Un will defeat them again.
                                       The glorious KPA the inheritor and continuer of the traditions of the Korean People's Revolutionary Army is the guerrilla army of dear respected Marshal Kim Jong Un ready to win the  great war for national reunification.                                                                                                     
Today the destiny of world socialism depends on the rifles of the Korean People's Army headed by respected supreme commander Kim Jong Un. The DPRK is on the frontline of the struggle between socialism and imperialism. It stands guard over the independence of the DPRK and the people-centred socialism , the authentic socialism.  . We are convinced that the KPA can reliably defend the DPRK and win final victory under the leadership of Marshal Kim Jong Un.


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