Wednesday 16 September 2015

Yonphung Scientists Holiday Camp

Holiday camps for working people can be found in all places of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.
A world-level holiday camp was built for scientists by Lake Yonphung under the respected Marshal Kim Jong Un’s idea of attaching importance to science and talents.
With a special concern for working and living conditions of scientists Marshal Kim Jong Un suggested building a holiday camp for scientists and selected its site on picturesque Lake Yonphung which is associated with the leadership exploits of President Kim Il Sung and Chairman Kim Jong Il.
Visiting its construction site several times, he gave precious instructions to build it as soon as possible.
He looked round the complete holiday camp in October Juche 103(2014), proposing that our scientists take a good rest there and recover from fatigue.
A general service establishment in the center of the holiday camp has a dining room, banquet hall, barber’s, beauty salon and bathroom. There are also an E-reading room, meeting room, video-casting room, and indoor and outdoor swimming pools.
The general service establishment is surrounded by 9 separate buildings which are linked by 800m long outside corridors. From there one can enjoy natural beauty of blue lake and dense forest to his heart’s content.
The clean and snug holiday camp has a geothermal cooling and heating system, outdoor playground and all other facilities needed for recreation such as resting place, walkway and angling site.
The Yonphung Scientists Holiday Camp for scientists built by the state provides scientists with food of high nutritive value and all other things for scientists free of charge.
Scientist holidayers are resting there to their hearts’ content, relieving themselves of the fatigue in their scientific research.

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